It’s the little things in life that bug the devil out of me and make smile


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Jan 02, 2024

It’s the little things in life that bug the devil out of me and make smile

When I started my journey into journalism filled with the wide-eyed wonder of a

When I started my journey into journalism filled with the wide-eyed wonder of a college sophomore, my dream was to write a weekly column.

By junior year, I had a column in the Auburn Plainsman, opining on topics ranging from the slog of visiting the laundromat to rebutting another editor's opinion that majorette costumes were too risqué and no girlfriend of his would ever wear one.

A few decades later, I'm still excited to write a weekly column. We live in a community filled with fun events and engaging people, so most weeks the column almost writes itself. Still there are times when I stare at the blinking curser on my screen trying to summon a trace of wisdom, humor or adventure.

Sometimes the best I can do is come up with a few random rants and insights that I hope you find relatable.

Here goes:

Don't plan to make a dish with a new-to-you ingredient for dinner tonight unless you already have it in your pantry. Despite what the recipe said, pomegranate molasses are not easy to find.

I wish I was the person I thought I was this morning when I put on white jeans.

I've checked in, signed all the paperwork, uploaded my insurance and paid my co-pay online ahead of time. So no, I won't show up 15 minutes before for my doctor's appointment. If you want me to be there at 2:45, schedule me for 2:45. Otherwise, I'm gliding into the waiting room at 2:58 p.m. and calling it early.

How did I get that bruise?

If anything's going to drive me to cut the cable cord and embrace streaming, it will be those horrible Poise commercials. Most women over 50 know what happens when a sneeze takes us by surprise. But just in case, here's a hint: We don't turn into fish flopping on the floor. And don't get me started on the "all women poop" commercials.

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I know those links to 30+ design trends that will age poorly, the worst and most hilarious makeup fails on the internet and fashion mistakes that are making you look old are Facebook click bait. But I still click, just to find out how horrible my fashion and design tastes are.

And speaking of Facebook, how many bras, comfortable shoes, exercise skorts and tubes of mascara do its advertising algorithms think I need?

While thinking about cutting the cable cord, maybe I should consider cutting the Facebook cord, too. But then how would I know what everyone's doing and what imagined injustice is making everyone mad?

Life would be simpler if I could think like my dogs, finding joy in routine and excitement in simple things like going for a walk, dinner time and dad coming home from the office.

I wish I could nap as often as my dogs do.

If I slept as much as my dogs, my back would always hurt.

Maybe life experience has made me a little less lost in the wonder of it all, but I wouldn't time-travel back, even if I could. Hanging out at home in my wine-stained white jeans sipping wine with my husband and watching the dogs tussle is exciting enough.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to lie down on the floor and nap with my fluffy pups. Wish me luck getting back up.

Suzy Fleming Leonard is a features journalist with more than three decades of experience. Reach her at [email protected]. Find her on Facebook: @SuzyFlemingLeonard or on Instagram: @SuzyLeonard.

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