Vital interests


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Apr 27, 2023

Vital interests

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Article 6(1)(d) provides a lawful basis for processing where:

"processing is necessary in order to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person".

Recital 46 provides some further guidance:

"The processing of personal data should also be regarded as lawful where it is necessary to protect an interest which is essential for the life of the data subject or that of another natural person. Processing of personal data based on the vital interest of another natural person should in principle take place only where the processing cannot be manifestly based on another legal basis…"

It's clear from Recital 46 that vital interests are intended to cover only interests that are essential for someone's life. So this lawful basis is very limited in its scope, and generally only applies to matters of life and death.

It is likely to be particularly relevant for emergency medical care, when you need to process personal data for medical purposes but the individual is incapable of giving consent to the processing.


An individual is admitted to the A & E department of a hospital with life-threatening injuries following a serious road accident. The disclosure to the hospital of the individual's medical history is necessary in order to protect his/her vital interests.

It is less likely to be appropriate for medical care that is planned in advance. Another lawful basis such as public task or legitimate interests is likely to be more appropriate in this case.

Processing of one individual's personal data to protect the vital interests of others is likely to happen more rarely. It may be relevant, for example, if it is necessary to process a parent's personal data to protect the vital interests of a child.

Vital interests is also less likely to be the appropriate basis for processing on a larger scale. Recital 46 does suggest that vital interests might apply where you are processing on humanitarian grounds such as monitoring epidemics, or where there is a natural or man-made disaster causing a humanitarian emergency.

However, if you are processing one person's personal data to protect someone else's life, Recital 46 also indicates that you should generally try to use an alternative lawful basis, unless none is obviously available. For example, in many cases you could consider legitimate interests, which will give you a framework to balance the rights and interests of the data subject(s) with the vital interests of the person or people you are trying to protect.

In most cases the protection of vital interests is likely to arise in the context of health data. This is one of the special categories of data, which means you will also need to identify a condition for processing special category data under Article 9.

There is a specific condition at Article 9(2)(c) for processing special category data where necessary to protect someone's vital interests. However, this only applies if the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent. This means explicit consent is more appropriate in many cases, and you cannot in practice rely on vital interests for special category data (including health data) if the data subject refuses consent, unless they are not competent to do so.

External link

We have produced the lawful basis interactive guidance tool, to give tailored guidance on which lawful basis is likely to be most appropriate for your processing activities.
